Monday, December 6, 2010

Enzyme Action Lab!!! :)

Considering I was with all boys for this Enzyme lab things went quite well. I was fascinated how the yeast had the most action in room temperature, my hypothesis was that the yeast would have the most increase when the yeast was in the hot water. I also thought that it was weird how the temperature on some of these stayed constant then dramatically dropped like the graph on the left shows.
It was a lot easier to use the different colors to tell which experiment was which. Like the graph below you can see all of my groups data  organized and put into different colors.

As you can see the on the blue graph above we had an extraordinary increase in activity with the temperature. It increased about .04 and .05 slope the higher the temperature got. Then with a dramatic drop in the slope when it hit 80 degrees Celsius. With this, our graph changed dramatically but it showed that our experiment stayed constant for a bit.

I liked using the microscopes that you can record your experiments on our Mac Books to graph. It helps me to learn how and why each experiment reacted in different and similar ways. Such as with the graph on the right.As you can see on the right PH 4 and PH 10 enzymes worked best since there was more activity with their slope being 0.17. PH7 enzymes worked the worst and was 0.12 with low activity.

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